Drivers must yield to cyclists at crosswalks

Under Oregon Law, bicyclists have the same rights and duties as a pedestrian on a sidewalk or crosswalk by law. This means drivers are required to yield to cyclists at crosswalks and places where the sidewalk and road intersect (ORS 811.025). When crossing a crosswalk, however, cyclists must enter and move through at a walking pace or less, or else they'd violate the unsafe operation of a bicycle on sidewalk statute(below). See the Sidewalks and Crosswalks section for more.

Pride Bike Lane Art in Sherwood Oregon

(2)Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, a bicyclist on a sidewalk or in a crosswalk has the same rights and duties as a pedestrian on a sidewalk or in a crosswalk.

(1) A person commits the offense of unsafe operation of a bicycle on a sidewalk if the person does any of the following:

(d)Operates the bicycle at a speed greater than an ordinary walk when approaching or entering a crosswalk, approaching or crossing a driveway or crossing a curb cut or pedestrian ramp and a motor vehicle is approaching the crosswalk, driveway, curb cut or pedestrian ramp.

(1)The driver of a vehicle commits the offense of failure to stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian if the driver does not stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian when the pedestrian is:

(a)Proceeding in accordance with a traffic control device as provided under ORS 814.010 (Appropriate responses to traffic control devices) or crossing the roadway in a crosswalk

(1)The driver of a vehicle commits the offense of failure to yield to a pedestrian on a sidewalk if the driver does not yield the right of way to any pedestrian on a sidewalk.